Cherryville Food & Resources Food Bank News THANK YOU FOOD BANKS CANADA


Thank you to Food Banks Canada for supporting Cherryville Community Food & Resource Society with a very generous grant, with
funding through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Emergency Food Security Fund. The food security services we provide would not be possible without your incredible support.

Photos are of our 2021 Christmas Hamper & Gifts for Children Event. Thanks to Food Banks Canada, we were able to purchase food to fill 70 hampers! This is an increase compared to previous years and a testament to how COVID-19 continues to impact our community. Thank you again for your ongoing support!

The students from Cherryville Elementary School who helped the Cherryville Community Food & Resource Society set up and prepare hampers for the Christmas Hamper & Gifts for Children event. Thank you all!

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We will be hosting our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, May 2nd, 2021 at 1:00PM. This meeting will be held outdoors at the Cherryville residence of Sharon Harvey where social distancing, masks, and hand sanitizer will be required. For more information, please contact Sharon at 250-547-6646. Anyone interested is welcome to join us for this meeting.

Thank you!

Organic Community GardenOrganic Community Garden

Our Organic Community Garden, established in 2017 and continually supported through the +Fresh Gardens & Growing Fund!

The garden is situated on a private piece of property in Cherryville, BC where the owner’s plant, oversee and manage the garden. In 2018 a second area was initiated to double the size of the garden which yielded 1545 lbs of organic produce! We were able to offer fresh, organic produce every week for the entire growing season. More than 20 families, 65 people, were influenced by the organic garden in 2018. Planters with pre-planted lettuce, strawberries and herbs were also provided to recipients of the Cherryville Food Bank. This allowed households to grow a portion of their own food, it was highly successful with lots of positive feedback from those who received them.

In 2019, our garden produced 1963 lbs of organic produce which again went right back into the hands of our community members! Cannot wait to see what happens in 2020!