Foraging Art

Another MASSIVE success! And the perfect class to end our 4 part Arts & Culture series. Keep an eye out for more Arts & Culture sessions as we are excited to get started with some new and exciting classes Fall of 2023.

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Community Garden 2020Community Garden 2020

Lennon Adkins was hired in the summer of 2020 to help with the development, maintenance, and harvest of this years Community Garden. He has been hard at work alongside Peter and Renske, who have graciously dedicated a piece of their land for the establishment of this garden. Our Community Garden continues to be an incredible resource, providing fresh, organic produce that goes straight to our residents. There has already been roughly 500 lbs of  food harvested and distributed to local residents and we are only half way through the season. Not only has the Community Garden contributed to our mission for increasing food security but also provides educational and employment opportunities to our local youth.  Peter and Renske could not be better mentors and Lennon has proven to be an incredible young man, a very hard worker, and a wonderful student to work with.

This summer student position is funded by Service Canada through the Canada Summer Jobs program.

Recycled City a Hit!Recycled City a Hit!

Recycled City was a major success among our 8-12 year old kiddos!

It was a super fun 6 weeks watching the kiddos go through the process of designing, planning and creating their cities.

Everyone was so focused and determined to bring their creations to life. There was lots of problem solving, discussion, creative thinking and learning mixed in. It was a joy to see how the recycled materials were turned into buildings, houses and community structures; real and imaginative. The end result was a very diverse collection of “cities” and some super proud creators.